Jean-Luc Valerio, president of the South Korean unit of an European aviation giant, is the new leader of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in Korea (EUCCK), the organization said Tuesday. The French national was elected for a two-year term to replace outgoing president, Jean-Marie Hurtiger, the EUCCK said in a press release. The organization works to boost trade and exchanges between South Korea and Europe. \"It is a great honor to be given this opportunity to lead the activities of the Chamber, and I am grateful to all members for reposing trust in me,\" Valerio was quoted as saying in the release. \"I will do my best to build on the strong ties between the EU and Korea.\" . Valerio has been president of the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company (EADS) Korea since 2007, according to the EUCCK. He was Senior Vice President of EADS International-China and Head of the Singapore Office of EADS International before relocating to South Korea. He graduated from the French Air Force Academy (Ecole de l\'Air) and has a military pilot\'s license. Wolfgang Slawinski from Austria and Andre Nothomb from Belgium were named as chamber vice presidents.