Cyprus' economic zone

 The European Parliament Thursday adopted a resolution that condemned Turkey's "maritime survey" activities as encroaching upon Cyprus' exclusive economic zone and its sovereign right to explore the natural resources within it.
According to an EP statement, the resolution also calls on Turkey to stop its "provocative actions" and "threats" against Cyprus.
Turkish maritime surveys "must be seen as both illegal and provocative", said the resolution , stressing that they constitute a violation of the sovereign rights of and of international law. The EP called on Turkey to "immediately withdraw its vessels operating in and around Cyprus' exclusive economic zone." Turkey's "actions and threats undermine the continuation of negotiations for a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem," it noted, warning that their continuation or repetition "could have a negative impact on Turkey's relations with the EU". "Any gas finds would benefit both communities in Cyprus if a lasting, political solution can be found to end the conflict", it added.
In a separate resolution, the EP called on all parties to join talks to restart the stalled Northern Ireland peace process. It stressed the need to combat low pay and unemployment, so as to halt violent and criminal efforts to undermine the process. Talks broke down in December 2013 due to disputes over issues such as welfare spending, flags and emblems.
Meanwhile, the EP gave its consent to the EU-Moldova Association agreement, which includes a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement. The deal will form the backbone of strengthened political association and economic integration between the EU and Moldova and provide for mutual free market access.