House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., dismissed President Obama\'s improving polls, saying the economy remained a mess. Cantor said on Fox News Sunday that nothing had really changed in Washington and Americans were still unhappy with the sluggish performance of economy on the president\'s watch. \"I think no one is satisfied by the direction of the economy right now,\" said Cantor. \"They want to see more growth. People want to see more job opportunities.\" Obama\'s job-performance approval has been rising in recent polls while Congress has seen dismal ratings. Cantor said blame Democratic foot-dragging in the Senate for the seeming lack of progress. \"Every time we want to cut a dime of spending, we are rejected because they don\'t want to cut spending,\" Cantor said. \"And every time we advance a pro-growth type measure, there is some excuse as to why the Senate can\'t take it out.\" Cantor said the Republican-dominated House went along with Obama\'s payroll tax-cut extension because it benefited American workers. The next priority for the GOP is a plan to boost small business. \"We have to afford access for more financing for small businesses,\" Cantor said. \"We need to address the regulatory burden that small businesses are facing so we can see then start up again.\"