Premier Li Keqiang

China will stick to its opening-up policy and aims at mutual benefit and all-win results, Premier Li Keqiang said here on Friday.
The remarks have drawn positive comments in the German business circle and among experts, and set at rest foreign investors worrying over market speculation in China triggered by recent anti-monopoly probes.
Li told a China-Germany economic and technological cooperation forum here on Friday that the policy is meant to bring benefits to both China and the whole world.
The Chinese leader arrived here Thursday for a three-day official visit to Germany, during which cooperation deals on auto-making, clean energy and mobile communications were signed.
Over the past months, monopolistic local and foreign enterprises in China have been fined for running businesses unfairly, such as resorting to price-fixing. Anxiety then emerged among foreign investors that Beijing may veer off from its longstanding path of opening up.
Yet, Li reaffirmed that the policy is a basic national one related to China's development and destiny. China will remain open to the outside world in an even more active manner and at even higher levels, he stressed.
China, Li said, will ensure a normative, fair and transparent business environment and treat Chinese and foreign enterprises alike in terms of market access, policy support and protection of legitimate rights.
Michael Schumann, member of the Board of Germany's Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade, echoed Li's views.
He admitted that there is "to certain level some anxiety and discontent in the German industry." "But it is not only about China's opening-up ... there are a lot of cliche in media reporting, I think the German side needs to open up (as well)," he said.
"If you want to be successful in China, you need to adapt to the rules over there," said Schumann.
In his speech, Li said China has the conditions and capability to achieve an economic growth of around 7.5 percent this year.
He also said China and Germany have become a community of intertwined interests with mature bilateral relations and deeply integrated economies.
This was a "strong message of confidence" by the Chinese premier, said Schumann, speaking highly of the momentum of China's growth at a period of transformation.
"Germany is performing very well, partially thanks to our relations to China," said Schumann.
The expert noted that it is also the view of many German entrepreneurs that chances and potential still prevail concerning Berlin's economic ties with Beijing despite some existing problems.
Li's remarks also encouraged Martin Wagner, professor at Germany's Darmstadt University of Technology.
German enterprises, Wagner said, will be "more open" in entering and investing in the Chinese market in the future, which will benefit the two peoples.
The current Germany tour is Li's second official visit to Germany since he took office in March last year. So far, Germany has been the only country Li has visited twice in the capacity of Chinese premier.