Minister of Industry Abdessalam Bouchouareb

Minister of Industry and Mines, Abdessalam Bouchouareb, called Monday in Chicago (United States) for strengthening the economic partnership between Algeria and the United States while reaffirming the Algerian government's economic approach based on openness to the global economy.
"Our hope is that the long and successful tradition of partnership with the United States will continue and deepen. We also hope the American companies familiar to our country find new business opportunities and new businesses to join us so as they provide us with a wealth of expertise and take advantage of the great opportunities offered by our country," said Bouchouareb at the opening session of the Algerian Week devoted to investment and business" Doing business in Algeria. "
The minister also stressed the need to extend and monetize Algeria-American industrial partnership.
"We want the industry partnership to be further extended and fruitful in knowledge, science and technology and we wish our universities and research will develop in the wake of industry," he said.
The minister further stressed the economic approach adopted by the government, based on opening up to the world economy and expressed his satisfaction about the progress of the accession process of Algeria to the WTO.
Referring to the target of achieving 7% growth of GDP in 2019, Bouchouareb cited the main actions undertaken or planned by the government to fulfil this ambition.
These actions are mainly meant to modernize, harmonize and integrate the national industrial base, improve corporate governance, promote the emergence of a digital economy, improve methods of financing the economy, encourage innovation and excellence and encourage the relocation of reference international companies to Algeria.