Algeria and Serbia flags

Visiting Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic on Tuesday vowed to further work with Algerian authorities to boost bilateral partnership.

President Nikolic arrived on Monday in Algiers as part of a three-day visit at the invitation of his Algerian counterpart Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

The visiting president was received by President Bouteflika in his office in upper Algiers.

"The 50 years long relations between Algeria and Serbia will be further improved and strengthened," President Nikolic told reporters after meeting with his Algerian counterpart.

He said he discussed with Bouteflika the bilateral economic cooperation and ways of enhancing it and bringing it up to the level of the long-standing relations between the two countries.

"There are many partnership opportunities in various areas, and I agreed with President Bouteflika to instruct our respective governments to work on boosting this cooperation," Nikolic said.

The two leaders also discussed a range of regional and international issues of common interest, as they agreed to continue to support each other in international arena, he said.

On Monday, the two nations signed three memorandums of understanding in the fields of ICT, culture and diplomacy.