The World Bank is ready to provide the necessary financial assistance to Tunisia in this stage of transition to democracy, announced WB President Robert Zoellick during his talks with Interim Prime Minister Béji Caid Essebsi, on a current visit in Washington. Mr. Zoellick reminded that the WB had already granted a 500-million-dinar loan to Tunisia for the year 2011. He also enquired about the next political events in Tunisia and paid tribute to Tunisian women who, he said, are an example to follow in the Arab and Islamic world. The PM spoke of the development problems Tunisia is facing, particularly as regards employment and regional disparities, reviewing Tunisia\'s experience in matters of promoting women\'s status and parity in candidatures for the National Constituent Assembly Elections. On the other hand, The PM highlighted Tunisia\'s experience in matters of transition to democracy which secures the participation of all the political parties and civil society activists, expressing confidence in the ability of the Tunisian people to make this process a success. Answering Mr. Zoellick\'s questions about the next stage in Tunisia, he said there was a political consensus about the post-election process notably as concerns the constituent assembly attributions and works management. Interim Prime Minister Béji Caid Essebsi is paying a five-day-visit to Washington at the invitation of US President Barack Obama. He is expected to meet with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as well as several members of the US Senate ahead of his meeting with President Obama next Friday.