Provision of Basic Services is Top Priority in Coming Stage

Chairman of the National Congress for the Party's Affairs, Engineer Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid, affirmed that the National Congress is a party which was based on lofty values, principles and thought.
This came in his address Tuesday in Al-Obeid city to the general conference of the National Congress in North Kordofan State, in presence of the Wali (governor) of the state, Ahmed Haroun, and a high-level partisan delegation.
Hamid has regarded the national dialogue as an important stage in Sudan history which puts the responsibility for the nation's building on all the Sudanese people, but not the political parties alone.
He stressed that the National Document of the national dialogue is open for the participation of all people and represents a contract through which all the desires and ambitions of the Sudanese people can be realized.
He pointed out that the most outstanding issues facing Sudan include the realization of peace, rejection of the use of force to seize rule, enhancement of the national economy and providing services for the citizens.
Meanwhile, the Wali (governor) of North Kordofan State, said that the political accord and the unity of rank in the state have helped implementation of development projects, referring to importance of the coming state in implementation of the renaissance campaign of North Kordofan State which will focus on establishment of sustainable development projects.
H stressed that the renaissance campaign of North Kordofan State is an accomplishment which typically complies with outcome of the national dialogue.
Haroun said that pointed out that the programs of his state in the coming period include preservation of the unity of internal rank, realization of political accord, maintaining the peaceful co-existence, confidence on the future and enhancement of the periodical strategic plan of the state for the period 2017 - 2020 and completing its establishment at the localities' level.

Source:  SUNA