Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al-Thani

HE Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al-Thani on Monday announced that Qatar will invest 5 billion pound sterling in the U.K. economy over the next three to five years.
The announcement came during the first day of the Qatar-U.K. Business and Investment Forum in London.Top business and political leaders from both countries will gather in the United Kingdom's second largest city, Birmingham, on Tuesday, where British firms will showcase high profile investment-ready projects to their Qatari counterparts. 
"Our investments in the U.K. will focus on energy, infrastructure, real estate and other sectors," HE the prime minister said."Qatar is already a top investor in the U.K., having invested more than 40 billion pound sterling across the country. However, the Forum represented a further bolstering of economic relations between Qatar and the U.K.," HE Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al-Thani added. In addition to new investments in the U.K., the forum also saw significant opportunities for U.K. firms in Qatar across a number of sectors.

Source: QNA