Kuwait, Tunisia signed KD22 million loan agreement

The Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) has signed a loan deal, worth KD 22 million, with Tunisia's Ministry of Development, Investment, and International Cooperation to boost water supply networks in the country.

    This loan would be allocated for a number of vital projects that aim to improve drinking water systems and enhance the capacity of water purification stations in Djerba, Medenine, Ben Gardane, and Tataouine areas in central and southern Tunisia, Kuwait news agency (KUNA) reported.

    Tunisia's central and southern regions are in desperate need for integrated development projects, Kuwait Ambassador to Tunisia Ali Al-Thafiri said, adding that such water projects are important for providing these areas with drinking water needs until 2030.

    He reiterated Kuwait's desire to support Tunisian economic projects to help speed up the development march in the North African country