Minister of Investment and International Cooperation Sahar Nasr

Minister of Investment and International Cooperation Sahar Nasr conferred on Monday with Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources Mohamed Abel Atti and South Sinai Governor Khaled Fouda on the rate of implementing developmental projects in South Sinai.

South Sinai projects cost 947 million dollars and they include setting up 7 Bedouin compounds, 7 agricultural cooperatives, Tor University and five water desalination plants along with improving Oyun Musa road and improving maritime fishing port in Tor.

The meeting took up investment opportunities and plans in the governorate until 2030.

Nasr asserted that the board of General Authority For Investment and Free Zones recently approved establishing a general free zone in Nuweiba and an investment zone specialized in touristic activities in Sharm el Sheikh.

The ministry put a plan to establish a free zone in each governorate as part of a strategic vision to aggravate the role of free zones in improving investment climate until 2034, Nasr said.