His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah hoped Wednesday that both legislative and executive bodies would usher in a fresh stage of constructive cooperation, where the public interest should be given a top priority and the people\'s expectations and aspirations be fulfilled. Speaking at the final sitting of the third session of the 13th legislative term, Al-Kharafi spoke highly of the democratic practice in Kuwait under the directives of H.H. the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. He also hailed cooperation between the assembly and the government for employing energies and harnessing efforts to push forward the reform march. He said that the assembly had witnessed several achievements during the current legislative term, adding that in spite of heated debates, deliberations and discussions were held within a spirit of brotherliness and responsibility. He vowed that he and his cabinet would live up to responsibility by defending public freedoms, interest and funds, and working sincerely to meet the Kuwaiti people\'s hopes. (end) ms.ysa.mt KUNA 291202 Jun 11NNNN