Hassabo chairs meeting on finding solution to Agricultural Bank's debt owed by Sennar State farmers

Vice-President of the Republic , Hassabo Mohamed Abdul-Rahman chaired a meeting, Sunday , in the Republican Palace on seeking solution to issue of Agricultural Bank's debts held by farmers of Irrigated schemes in Sennar State.
The meeting was attended by Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Bedr-Eddin Mahmoud, Director-General of Agricultural Bank, representatives of Ministry of Welfare and Social Security and Zakat Chamber and Wali(governor) of Sennar State, Al-Daw Al-Mahi who said in a press statement that in addition to issues of the Bank's debts the meeting discussed resettlement of people who returned from State of South Sudan.
He added that the Vice-President gave directive for rescheduling the debts within framework of the State responsibility, saying the farmers of irrigated schemes in Sennar State would enter the coming season with funding from the Agricultural Bank.
Al-Mahi further added the Vice-President also directed Ministry of Finance to provide Sennar State with 10 tractors as well as food stuffs and water and health services to villages of returnees.

Source: SUNA