Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.

Information Minister and Board of Trustees Chairman of Bahrain Institute for Political Development (BIPD) Ali bin Mohammed Al Romaihi described Bahrain as a model of tolerance, peaceful co-existence and mutual respect among all social components. He stressed keenness on preserving human dignity in the prosperous era of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.
Al Romaihi praised HM the King's appreciation of the expatriates' contribution as key partners with their Bahraini brethren to the ongoing development march within the framework of the royal reform project. 
He commended the wise policy and humanitarian stances of Bahrain leadership to foster tolerance, respect and understanding among all social components according to the constitution, Islamic Sharia and international human rights standards.
The minister took pride in Bahrain's glorious history of openness and co-existence between civilisations, cultures and religions. He hailed the kingdom's social diversity and advanced legislation to protect human rights and freedom and ensure equality between all people in rights, religious freedom and human dignity. He commended the wise policies of HM the King and the government to guarantee social justice and welfare for all people. He also praised the pioneering regional and international initiatives of HM the King to foster tolerance and respect of religious, ethnic and doctrinal diversity as well as promote inter-civilisational and religious dialogue and serve humanity.
Al Romaihi underlined the importance of tolerance and peace as a pre-requisite for security, stability, comprehensive and sustainable development and human welfare. He affirmed keenness to highlight the humanitarian aspect of the royal reform project in all mass media and cultural programmes and its role in promoting tolerance, moderation, national unity and mutual respect among all components of the peaceful and civilised Bahraini community.

Source: BNA