Cairo - MENA
Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab held on Thursday a meeting on the status of the two sewerage treatment plants Kima One and Two, with the participation of the ministers of health, housing, environment, agriculture and Aswan governor.
Mahlab thanked all the Housing Ministry officials who helped end the drainage problem in Kima and stopped the release of drainage water into Nile river, cabinet spokesman Hossam Qawish said.
The housing minister briefed Mahlab on efforts to rehabilitate the two plants in a way that will end for ever the release of untreated drainage into Nile river.
After rehabilitation works, the first plant, Kima One, will be operational on September 10 while the second, Kima 2, on November 30.
As a temporary solution, the participants in the meting agreed to release the drainage water coming from the two plants in the hinterlands in Aswan governorate but on the long run, they agreed to set up a water pump station to use the treated drainage water in afforestation.