The First Vice-President of the Republic and National Prime Minister, Lt. Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih

The First Vice-President of the Republic and National Prime Minister, Lt. Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih has given directive for doubling efforts to develop animal resources sector in the Country due to its importance in supporting the national economy. 
This came when the First Vice-President met, on Sunday, at the Council of Ministers with Chairman of the Veterinaries Union, Professor Al-Gailani Ali Al-Amin in presence of the Chair of the Union's Advisory Council, Professor Al-Amin Dafalla.
Prof. Al-Gailani said in a statement to SUNA, that he briefed the First Vice-President on efforts and arrangements made by the Union to hold Development of Animal Resources Conference in Northern State during the coming period.
He added that the meeting assured importance of animal statistics and preservation of health of the national cattle .

Source: SUNA