The First Vice - President of the Republic, Lt. Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih.

The First Vice - President of the Republic, Lt. Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih, was  informed  on arrangements for holding the Economic Development Summit, scheduled to be  held in Beirut, Lebanon, in next January in which a report on the initiative of the President of the Republic on Arab food security  would  be reviewed.

   The First Vice - President discussed during a meeting at the Republican PalaceTuesday with the Arab League's Assistant Secretary General, Kamal Hassan Ali, the Arab League participation  in the Smart Inter-regional Agriculture Forum, currently being held in Khartoum.

 Th Arab League's Assistant Secretary General said in a press statement that convocation of the Forum  in Khartoum is important within context of the President’s Arab food security Initiative which was adopted by the Arab League through a mechanism that is based on the up-to-date technology.