Abu Dhabi consumer prices

Average consumer prices went up 1.2 per cent in the second quarter of 2015 compared with the first quarter, with the "Restaurants and Hotels” category contributing for the greatest increase of three per cent, according to the Statistics Centre — Abu Dhabi (Scad).

In a statement issued on Sunday, Scad said that average consumer prices rose 1.1 per cent in June 2015 alone compared to May 2015.

The figure is relatively high compared to April 2015 when consumer prices edged up 0.2 per cent compared to March 2015, with the Restaurants and Hotels category also accounting for the highest prices increases then (up 2.8 per cent).

The "Housing, water, electricity, gas, and other fuels” category recorded a two per cent increase during June, accounting for the largest rise, followed by "Food and beverages” with a 1.2 per cent gain.

The 1.1 per cent increase in June 2015 resulted from the rise of prices in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, and the Western Region, with the former contributing 73.8 per cent of the total growth. Meanwhile, Al Ain accounted for 19.7 per cent, while the Western Region contributed 6.5 per cent of the increase.

Looking at the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) in June compared to May, it went up 1.2 per cent in Abu Dhabi region, 0.9 per cent in Al Ain, and one per cent in the Western Region.

In terms of household types, Scad said that the growth in June pushed consumer prices up one per cent for citizen households, 1.2 per cent for non-citizen households, and 1.1 per cent for share households.

The rise in prices in June caused an increase of one per cent in consumer prices for households in the bottom and the top welfare quintile, and of 1.2 per cent for households in the middle welfare quintile.