The king of Bollywood Shah Rukh Khan has one. The first family of India’s Hindi film industry, the Bachchans, own one. Now, the Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is looking for a home in Dubai. Khan has been in Dubai in recent weeks shooting for his brother Sohail’s film, but when not on set he has been checking out properties in the city. Shah Rukh Khan owns a villa in Palm Jumeirah, while Abhishek Bachchan and his wife Aishwarya Rai also own villas in the city. Khan says he is keen to buy a place in Dubai. “If I wasn’t living in Mumbai for work, then I would surely be living in Dubai,” Salman Khan told reporters recently. – AP Pinto on Bollywood: I can find my place The Indian actress Freida Pinto, of the Oscar-winning Slumdog Millionaire fame, has said she would have become a wedding planner if she had not succeeded in show business. “My only passion was acting,” said Pinto, a former model. She had told her sister that if she didn’t become successful by the age of 25, she would switch professions. “But fortunately when I was 23, Slumdog Millionaire happened and so I didn’t become a wedding planner,” Pinto, now 28, told reporters. Since the actress shot to fame with 2008’s Slumdog Millionaire, she has worked in other international projects such as Woody Allen’s You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger, Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Trishna. Pinto said that dealing with sudden fame after the success of Slumdog Millionaire was difficult. Since then, her biggest effort has been to avoid being stereotyped as the “token Indian girl” in Hollywood movies. “I played the racial ambiguity card when I had to look for roles in the West,” she said. “I didn’t want to be the ethnic Indian girl, but I had no problem doing [other] ethnic roles,” said Pinto, who has played Middle Eastern and Latin American characters. She has so far avoided Bollywood movies and their overtly commercial song-and-dance routines, but she told the audience the type of films being produced by the Indian movie industry was changing. “I can find my place here,” she said. Indian media say she is set to make her Bollywood debut in an as yet-unnamed movie directed by Navdeep Singh and Vikramaditya Motwane