It's been 30 years since Kevin Bacon broke all the rules in Footloose, and he decided to do it again by recreating some of his iconic dance moves on the Tonight Show on Friday. While introducing Bacon as a guest for the night, host Jimmy Fallon proclaimed it illegal to dance on the Tonight Show, the New York Daily News reported. "Rules are rules guys. No Dancing!" Fallon said to a booing crowd. Bacon, no stranger to breaking dance rules, immediately busted out the moves exactly as he did 30 years ago, first with an angsty solo in the green room, then the party got going with the quintessential Footloose dance. Bacon danced the party out onto the show's stage where Fallon said to hell with the rules. "Dancing is now legal on the Tonight Show, thanks to Kevin Bacon!" he said. So does Bacon still have the moves all these years later?