Adrianne Haslet-Davis took the stage Thursday for the first time since losing part of her left leg in the Boston Marathon bombing last year. The 33-year-old dancer performed with a specially-designed bionic limb at the 2014 TED Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, on Wednesday. Haslet-Davis wore a white sparkling dress that showed off her new prosthetic leg as she twirled across the floor with a partner to a version of "Ring My Bells" by Enrique Iglesias. The man who designed Haslet-Davis’s high-tech prosthetic, MIT professor Hugh Herr was also in attendance. A double-amputee himself, he designed the bionic limb after meeting Haslet-Davis last year with the specific intent that it could be used for dancing. "In 3.5 seconds, the criminals and cowards took Adrianne off the dance floor. In 200 days we put her back. " Herr told the audience.