Algerian film Lyes Salem

Algerian film-maker Lyes Salem won the “Valois for best actor” at the 7th Francophone Film Festival of Angouleme for the role he plays in his own movie, “L’Oranais,” announced Wednesday the organizers on the festival’s website.
The movie “L’Oranais,” an Algerian-French co-production, competed for the “Golden Valois,” first prize at the FFA, awarded Tuesday evening to the movie “Hippocrate,” a dramatic comedy of French director Thomas Liti.
This second feature film of Lyes Salem relates the “close friendship” between two young patriots, Djaffar and Hamid during the National Liberation War (1954-1962), a friendship that will crack after an “unforgiveable betrayal.”
Director, scriptwriter and actor, born in 1973 in Algiers, Lyes Salem won the FFA “Golden Valois” in 2008 for his first movie “Mascarades.”
 “L’Oranais” will be screened in Algeria in September before its release in France according to the Algerian Agency for Cultural Outreach.