Indonesians celebrate Independence Day

The commemoration of Indonesias 72nd Independence Day on Thursday was held throughout the country with a strong message of upholding the spirit of unity in diversity.

In Jakarta, the central government again organized a procession of carrying the decades-old national flag on a gold-decorated chariot Ki Jaga Raksa from the National Monument square to the State Palace.

The procession, joined by armed guards and civilians wearing traditional clothes of different kingdoms and sultanates across the archipelago, drew the attention of the crowds of people.

They thronged the National Monument square to witness the procession, which was held for the second time after the one at last years Independence Day celebration.

President Joko Widodo, who led a flag-raising ceremony at the State Palace, also looked different as he wore the traditional cap and shirt of the South Kalimantan area of Tanah Bambu.

Before leading the flag-raising ceremony, while walking towards his place, President Widodo greeted on-duty journalists and shook hands with several guests near him.

The moment was then utilized by President Widodo to introduce the presence of several presidential guards wearing traditional costumes of different ethnic groups.

The presence of several people dressed in their traditional clothes at the flag-raising ceremony at the State Palace demonstrated that Indonesia is a nation with vast richness and diversity of cultures, he stated.

In Ambon, Maluku Province, the Independence Day event were enlivened by the sounds of ship horns, barrel drums beaten at several mosques, and ringing of bells at churches in the coastal city.

Meanwhile, in the easternmost part of the country, the Independence Day commemoration ran peacefully. One of the flag-raising ceremonies was held not far from the Indonesia-Papua New Guinea border.

Representatives of the native Papuan community, local students, as well as police and army personnel participated in the flag-raising ceremony that was led by Supriyanto, head of the Muaratami Sub-district office.

In Aceh Province on Sumatra Island, the people who attended the flag-raising ceremony at Blangpadang field were entertained with a colossal drama depicting the heroic struggle of Cut Nyak Dien, an Acehnese national figure.

Independence Day was not merely celebrated by the central and regional governments as well as people in the country but also by representatives of the Indonesian government abroad.

Indonesian Ambassador to Malaysia Rusdi Kirana, for instance, led the flag-raising ceremony at the embassy area.

The event was not only attended by the embassy staff as well as representatives of the Indonesian community members, students, and migrant workers in Kuala Lumpur but also by head of Indonesias SEA Games contingent.

Azis Syamsuddin, head of Indonesias SEA Games contingent, was present during the event along with several members of the contingent wearing Red and White, the colors of the Indonesian flag.

Source: ANTARA