To celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome

To celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, the Delegation of the European Union, the Italian Embassy and the Lebanese American University (LAU) in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute, organised a lecture on the topic of: "Europe at Sixty. A State of the Union". The topic was presented by Ambassador Vincenzo Grassi, Secretary General of the European University Institute. 
The lecture focused on the main achievements of the last 60 years and on the current challenges that the European Union faces. It also discussed potential scenarios for the EU's future. 
The event was opened by Dr Georges Najjar, Provost at LAU, Ambassador Christina Lassen, Head of the Delegation of the European Union, and Ambassador of Italy Massimo Marotti. 
Ambassador Grassi stated that "Most of the dream is reality". He added: "it is time to turn our weakness into a new strength and recreate a new European solidarity. The reasons to be together as a union are still strong and Europe can still be a key player on the international scene. United we stand, divided we fall". 
Dr. Georges Najjar highlighted the commitment of LAU in strengthening the partnership with the EU on key values: "Human Rights, Democracy, Diversity, Rule of Law, Gender Equality, and multi-lateral cooperation in pursuit of a better future for the coming generations". 
In her opening remarks, Ambassador Lassen said: "The 60th anniversary creates an opportunity to look back on how much we have achieved throughout the years. It is a reminder of why we decided to have the EU in the first place and why countries have decided to join this cooperation. And we are proud of what we have achieved." 
Ambassador Marotti emphasized that "the European integration process cannot stop as a result of the current crisis and the new challenges. Addressing the people's concerns in order to relaunch the European model is our key challenge". 

source: NNA