AQUARIUS (January21st-February19th)

June 2017

You will make a splash on social media at the beginning of the month. This is a great time to promote a product, post a dating profile or launch a blog. The Full Moon on the 9th will force you to back out of a social engagement. There simply won't be the funds to go on an expensive outing. An educational opportunity will fall into your lap in the middle of the month. Take full advantage of it. On the 24th, the New Moon will help you make headway with a health regime. Following a better diet, taking daily exercise and getting more sleep will make you look and feel much better. As June draws to a close, you'll be torn between a romantic relationship and a friendship. Someone who feels threatened by your partner will try to sabotage your personal life. The sooner you put some distance between you and this troublemaker, the better.