April 29, 2017
A job that feels oppressive can actually be a springboard to freedom. Get into the habit of putting a portion of your pay into savings. Having a nest egg will allow you to find a much better opportunity. You've been blessed with impressive leadership potential. That's why it's important to apply for positions that have growth potential. If you've been looking for work, you'll find it at an estate agents, law firm or public relations company. Your air of cool professionalism inspires confidence.
Weekly Horoscopes
Getting to the bottom of a family drama will be a relief. You're not afraid to deal with a serious issue; it's much better than being left in the dark. Don't hesitate to send a troubled relative to counselling or rehab. The sooner their problems are addressed, the better. A flirtatious conversation at a party brings out the best in you. If you want to embark on a romance with this charmer, you'll have to be assertive. Be sure to get their contact information.
There is an air of unpredictability around your relationships. Something you have been pinning your hopes on may backfire. A hectic work schedule could cause problems in romance. A friend will let you down at the eleventh hour which is disappointing. Use your common sense to deal with a difficult relative. If you are single, a new relationship could get complicated. All you want is to escape all the confusion and retreat to a quiet spot. 
April 2017 Horoscope
Your powerful magnetism attracts many admirers at the beginning of April. If you're single, you'll enjoy playing the dating game. Do you have a partner? It will feel like you're enjoying a second honeymoon with your amour. It may become necessary to revise a creative project several times during the first half of the month. Be patient and stay focused on doing the best job you can. The Full Moon on the 11th will find you facing off with an oppressive authority figure. You may decide it's time to leave a position that has become too stressful to bear. A loving message from someone special will make your spirits soar at Easter. During the second half of the month, you should make adjustments to a self-improvement programme that is sapping your energy. On the 26th, the New Moon will prompt you to take a financial or emotional risk. This gamble will pay off handsomely.