June 19, 2016
You're eager to expand your horizons, but personal and professional matters won't let you. Instead of dwelling on your disappointment, resolve to make the best of a difficult situation. By adopting a positive attitude towards your duties, time will fly. Soon, you will have dispatched all your work, leaving you free to study, write and travel. Keeping a diary might also relieve the frustrations that come from a grinding routine. Being able to vent your feelings freely will be therapeutic.
Weekly Horoscope
Feel free to be a little selfish. Treat yourself to a new hairstyle, massage or clothes shopping spree. When you look good, you feel terrific. Too often, you feel guilty about enjoying life's little luxuries. It's possible to have a social conscience while savouring the finer things in life. A demanding friend or romantic partner will ask for more than you are willing to give. Be ready to set some boundaries. It's time to break a cycle of financial or personal dependence.
Nothing in this world is permanent, even difficulties and troubles. Problems can be solved; mistakes can be rectified. If there are joint issues that haven't been addressed, do this now. Others will respect you for making the first move to make amends. It might feel, at times, as if a tremendous pressure has been placed on your shoulders. This situation won't last and it is worth making temporary sacrifices for your long-term relationship goals. You are stronger than you think.
June 2016 Horoscope
A close friendship or romantic relationship will experience stress in the opening days of June. No matter how hard you try, it will be difficult to resolve your differences. The two of you may decide to part ways on the 5th, when the New Moon underscores these conflicts. If you decide to stay together, you'll have to be more respectful and encouraging towards one another. Be honest about the situation; prolonging it will only cause more pain. Your home will be a comforting place to recover and heal. Let your family pamper you throughout June. Self reliance is overrated. Putting your needs first will be imperative on the 20th, when the Full Moon makes you realise the full extent of your sacrifices. Take this opportunity to enjoy your favourite hobbies, food and pursuits. An exciting job offer will be a welcome diversion at the end of the month. This position will improve your financial situation