May 6, 2016
You'll get a lot of help from people who admire your strengths. Instead of going solo, ask for assistance. A good word from someone who has a standing in your local community or workplace will boost your interests. It's understandable you want to succeed on your own merits. You won't be able to show off your abilities until you gain entry to an exclusive organisation. Call in a few favours. After being given a chance to perform, you'll be able to show what you're capable of.
Weekly Horoscopes
You have a yearning for romance and adventure. If you are single and there is someone you fancy, this is your chance to push yourself into the limelight. Make your presence felt. Take the initiative at work and in your social world. It will be impossible for anyone to resist your charms. Friends, loved ones and colleagues will fall in with your suggestions. An exciting friendship could lead to a giddy romance.
You're on the move and this puts you in contact with all sorts of interesting people. You hadn't realised how much resentment this has caused in a close friend or partner. When they throw a tantrum and refuse to accompany you to a glitzy gathering it will take you completely by surprise. A chance to expand your social horizons fills you with excitement but you're disappointed by a loved one's lack of encouragement. You may have to go without them.
May 2017 Horoscope
The opening days of May will make it much easier to work with a partner. Take this opportunity to sort out misunderstandings or misconceptions and build a plan for moving forward. Big improvements will occur on the domestic front; use the first half of the month to launch repairs and rearrange rooms. On the 10th, the Full Moon will bring a boost to your bank balance. Spend it on furniture, artwork or appliances. This is your big chance to create a home that uplifts and inspires you. Toward the middle of the month, you'll find yourself facing off with someone who insists on always taking the lead. It's important to assert yourself instead of getting pushed aside. The New Moon on the 25th invites you to expand your horizons. Going on an overseas trip, starting a writing project or attending an advanced professional course will be extremely stimulating. Push yourself harder than usual as June approaches.