VIRGO (August24th-September23rd)

October 2017

A love affair will put a special spring in your step that's impossible to ignore in early October. Don't be surprised if people want to know the cause for all your joie de vivre. On the 5th, the Full Moon will put an unexpected strain on your budget. It may be necessary to cover expenses while your business or romantic partner looks for work. Your schedule will become much more manageable in the middle of the month. Take this opportunity to get on with doing those things that bring you the most pleasure. The New Moon on the 19th will bring more demoralising news about a money matter. You may not as earn much as you expected for a job well done. Let this be a lesson about working for an unscrupulous companies and conglomerations. The next time they come at you with a job offer, turn them down politely, but firmly. As November approaches, you'll get positive feedback from your world of work.