LEO (July24th-August23rd)

September 2017

You'll be fairly and squarely in the spotlight at the beginning of September, which is just the way you like it. Accept an opportunity to go on an exciting trip. The Full Moon on the 6th is perfect for a romantic getaway. Enjoy an intimate outing with your amour. Are you single? You could meet someone special at a play, concert or movie. You'll feel a financial pinch in the middle of the month. This is not a good time to indulge your love of luxury. By the 20th, the New Moon will prompt you to accept an unpleasant job. You won't be given any creative freedom with this task. Instead of making your own contributions, follow instructions to the letter. You'll save yourself a great deal of heartache this way. Although your knowledge and skills are superior to your employer, they won't be appreciated. Don't feel pressurised into putting your name on this work if it embarrasses you.