LEO (July24th-August23rd)

June 2017

Your ideas will be well-received at the beginning of June making this a great time to give a presentation or make a proposal. Money will be tight, so be prepared to work with a limited budget. The Full Moon on the 9th will force you to reconsider a romantic relationship. You may decide your partner is more trouble than they are worth. The middle of the month will find you busy with a creative project and so there won't be much time for social pursuits. On the 24th, the New Moon will give you a welcome chance to rest, relax and recharge your batteries. Head for a tranquil place by the water where you can hear yourself think. As the month winds down, you may decide to leave an oppressive job. Don't jeopardise your health for the sake of money. You could find a better job at a government agency, university or hospital.