September 30, 2016
An excellent educational opportunity will fall into your lap. You will have to rearrange your work schedule to accommodate this course. Although your colleagues will resent this change, it can’t be helped. This may be your last chance to pick up the knowledge or know-how you feel you need. Make this class your first priority. You have a lot to learn, but if you stay focused and do all your assignments to perfection, you’ll reap a handsome reward. Persistence pays off.
Weekly Horoscopes
Adding to your qualifications, knowledge or know how could put you on an exciting new path. Take this opportunity to boost and grow your considerable creative talent. A gifted art teacher will help you reach heights you never dreamed possible. You might even be able to land a job in the art and entertainment industry. Working from home will be a distinct possibility. Create a space at home for a workshop or studio that uplifts and inspires you.
You're growing tired of following the same old path every day. If you want to spice up your love life, arrange a romantic holiday. Choose a secluded place where no one can disturb you. The plan is to spend quality time together. That's why you should ignore a friend's request to come along for the ride. An almost psychic awareness of your partner's emotional and sexual needs will help bridge a gap that has been growing between you.
September 2016 Horoscope
The Solar Eclipse on the 1st urges you to take a second look at your values. Instead of pursuing wealth and status, you should focus on doing what you love. If that means leaving a toxic job or relationship, so be it. There's a good chance you will have to take a financial loss to move in a happier, healthier direction. Studying a subject you love will be a welcome distraction during the first half of September. You might also relocate to a culturally enriching area. On the 16th, there will be a Lunar Eclipse that allows you to break free of a restrictive financial arrangement. Although this will mean less income, this turn of events will allow you to become more self sufficient. Working for a company that is located overseas is a distinct possibility. Alternatively, you might be able to move to a place that has lots of jobs in your desired industry.