April 29, 2017
Resist the temptation to jump to conclusions. Giving a loved one the benefit of the doubt will strengthen your bond, not weaken it. You may not realise it, but your approval means a lot to a relative or friend. By showing faith in their character, they'll stop trying to get your attention by acting up. Instead, they'll begin treating you with courtesy and consideration. The next time you're tempted to criticise them, offer sincere praise. When you accentuate the positive, you'll eliminate the negative. Weekly Horoscopes
Signing up for an advanced training course is a good idea. You've gone as far as you can with your present qualifications. If you're going to proceed to the next level, you must add to your knowledge. A passionate romance is a welcome distraction from the daily stress of life. Instead of obsessing over personal slights, you'll be fully focused on your partner. Happiness will radiate from every pore. As a result, you may be asked to represent an important group. Relationships:
You are a generous and warm-hearted companion. Unfortunately, if you do all the giving, some people will take advantage of you. Be ready to turn down a request for help or for a loan. There has to be a limit to your generosity. Someone who hurts you seems totally unrepentant. They aren’t going to change their ways. Fortunately, you are surrounded by loving friends. If anyone accuses you of being selfish, take heart in the knowledge that caring friends will rally to your defence. 
April 2017 Horoscope
A career opportunity that seems tailor-made for you will become available. Do everything in your power to land this position. Update your CV, gather a list of references and put together impressive samples of your work. You may have to go for several interviews before getting an official offer. On the 11th, the Full Moon will bring some upsetting news. It may be necessary to change your dietary and exercise habits. At first, these changes will be difficult to undergo. Be patient and persistent. You'll attract lots of admiring glances at an Easter gathering. Be sure to wear something eye catching that will turn heads. Pay careful attention to your body's signals during the second half of the month. If an old ache or pain resurfaces, make a date with your doctor. The New Moon on the 26th will put you squarely in the spotlight, where you belong. You could assume a political office or be given an impressive promotion.