April 24, 2017
You're eager to make a fresh start. Embarking on a romance will make your eyes shine and skin glow. Don't be surprised when people ask if you've been to a spa. Being with someone who challenges your ideas and excites your imagination will make you bold. Instead of shying away from intimidating situations, you'll pursue them. The more fears you conquer, the easier it will be to realise a cherished dream. Things are looking up and you have your amour to thank for it.
Weekly Horoscopes
A cutting-edge group is now eager to accept you. The problem is you are no longer interested in joining. While you admire their collective brilliance, you're upset by the way you were treated when you first applied for admission. Look for an organisation that isn't comprised of elitists. Your creative ability is admired by a powerful executive. Working as their assistant will advance your own professional prospects. Keep quiet about this alliance right now.
After a recent disappointment, close friends are doing their best to help boost your self-esteem. You have been through some emotional upheaval. By facing the truth you will be able to come to terms with all that went on. You tried to make the best of a difficult situation and no one blames you for doing anything wrong. You are special. You have many worthwhile talents and you should love yourself for who you are. 
April 2017 Horoscope
You'll get help from an undisclosed friend at the beginning of April. Don't question your luck when you receive a big windfall. Instead, give thanks for it by making a donation to your favourite charity. Dealing with a bureaucratic issue will be more frustrating than usual during the first half of the month. If you can postpone this business until May, do so. The Full Moon on the 11th could make you realise that a troubled romantic relationship isn't worth your time or your energy. Alternatively, the results of a creative project could be disappointing. Friends will be helpful around Easter, when you need an added measure of support to deal with a legal matter. Push an important personal project during the second half of the month, even if it means working around a stubborn authority figure. The New Moon on the 26th offers a welcome opportunity to rest, relax and recuperate from your labours. Head for a private retreat.