Letters of Love, Sadness and Revolution by Abdel-Azim Anis, Cairo: General Egyptian Book Organisation (GEBO), 2012. This new release by late thinker, scientist and writer Abdel-Azim Anis (1923-2009) features letters exchanged between the author and his wife, the late journalist Aida Thabet, while Anis was imprisoned under then-president Gamal Abdel Nasser at the height of tensions between the state and Egypt's Communist parties. In the first section of the book, Anis, from his prison cell in Cairo's famous Citadel, questions how he came to be imprisoned in the same place that British occupation authorities imprisoned Egyptians during the 1919 revolution. He also voices opposition to the practice of subjecting civilians to military trials. During his imprisonment in Abu-Zaabal, Anis recalls the torture and inhumane behaviour he witnessed. Then, during the final stage of his imprisonment in Oasis Prison in 1962, he recalls the rumours that circulated within the prison walls among the many political prisoners. Finally, Anis shares his deep sadness over being away from his family and being isolated from the outside world. At the same time, however, he expresses great happiness over visits from family members and – finally – over news of his release.