TAURUS (April21st-May21st)

August 2017

You'll feel out of your depth at the beginning of August. Ask for help or apply for formal training and do the best you can until you begin to see the wood for the trees. On the 7th, a Lunar Eclipse will mark the close of an important era at work. This could mean a rise or change of job for you. Flattery will get you nowhere in the middle of the month. It's better to be honest if you don't like a project, gift or decoration. The Solar Eclipse on the 21st will prompt you to improve your living situation. Moving to a glamorous city or doing some radical home improvements are all possibilities. The more time you spend on domestic pursuits, the happier you will be during the second half of August. As September approaches, you'll launch a health regime that will soon bring impressive results. Take this opportunity to overhaul your diet and exercise routines. Getting more time to be alone with your thoughts will also be therapeutic.