September 30, 2016
Working with a friendly group of people lifts your spirits. You’re used to doing all the heavy lifting yourself. That won’t be the case with this project. That’s because you’re working with an excellent team. Someone who is extremely courteous will offer to teach you a valuable skill. Take advantage of this opportunity. It will pave the way for even better jobs. You’re very good at working with your hands, but mastering a complicated software program will make you even more desirable.
Weekly Horoscopes
Job opportunities abound. You'll have your choice of several promising offers. Pick the one that offers you the greatest creative stimulation. This assignment could lead to bigger and better ones. Don't be surprised if you get a chance to work abroad. Getting paid to travel may feel like a dream come true. If you're single, you could find love in another country. It's hard to resist a charming accent. You'll also enjoy a different perspective.
Fight the urge to go off on an emotional tangent. Don't get too upset if things aren't going according to plan. Since you aren't in the best of moods you may as well let someone else take the initiative. No matter who is in charge of social or family plans a lack of enthusiasm from others will make it difficult to get anything off the ground. Find simple ways to relax like soaking in a hot bath, cooking a meal or spending an afternoon in bed.
September 2016 Horoscope
A Solar Eclipse on the 1st will prompt you to make more time for pleasurable activities. You're tired of being the responsible one. Go on holiday, enjoy some rest and put chores on the back burner. Others may protest and accuse you of being lazy, but pay no attention. They've just become accustomed to you doing all the work. Finding a job that draws on your creative talent is a strong possibility during the first half of the month. If this means taking a pay cut, so be it. It's more important to be happy than earn tons of money. The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th will prompt you to break away from a restrictive relationship. This will put a crimp in your finances, but you can't put a price on independence. Fortunately, you will make great strides at work and may quickly earn a series of promotions. Try pooling resources with a friend at the end of September.