May 9, 2017
Traveling, moving to a distant city or doing business overseas will expand your horizons. You've always been fond of comforting routines. Forcing yourself to try something new will be challenging but stimulating. Don't be surprised when you develop a deep affection for a foreign culture. You're an extremely sensual person. Visiting a place that celebrates good food, leisurely pursuits and inspiring artwork will give you a new lease on life. Work becomes less odious when you have time for the activities you love most.
Weekly Horoscopes
Spending time with the people you love doing the things you enjoy will bring you nothing but happiness. If you're not in love, you soon will be. A charismatic newcomer will work hard to win your heart. Do you have a partner? Don't be surprised if they're offered an unexpected opportunity. Go out and celebrate. A great idea will put a stalled creative project back on track. Working with your hands will be fun. You prefer the material world to the abstract one.
Relationships will call for high levels of tolerance and patience. You're going out of your way to try to understand those closest to you. Someone will apologise for being grumpy but you can see why they are feeling that way. You want to make people happy and they'll be glad of any attempt you make to cheer them up. Have you just started dating? - The more you let your true feelings show as the relationship develops, the more positive and romantic the consequences.
May 2017 Horoscope
Surrounding yourself with creative people is a good idea during the opening days of the month. Take this opportunity to develop an intriguing idea that's been tugging at your subconscious for the past few weeks. If you play your cards right, you'll be able to travel overseas. Experiencing a different culture will inspire you. On the 10th, the Full Moon will assist you in wrapping up a partnership matter. Signing papers, submitting work or fulfilling the last part of an obligation will be liberating. Don't be surprised if you're offered a very different role once this arrangement is finished. Toward the middle of the month, it will be much easier to get an audience for your ideas. Take this opportunity to go on a job interview, ask for a date or submit your work for review. The New Moon on the 25th attracts an exciting moneymaking opportunity. Be totally forthcoming with any prospective employer