November 29, 2016
Your love life is starting to heat up. If you're single, you could meet someone special at a nightclub, antique shop or ecological meeting. The chemistry between you will be powerful. Are you already in a relationship? This would be a wonderful time to enjoy a romantic outing. A candlelit dinner for two, a trip to a glamorous city and going to a concert are among the possibilities. Arrange an occasion that appeals to both you and your amour. It's important to get a change from your daily lives.
Weekly Horoscopes
Certain relationships can drain your physical and spiritual energy. Spending time on your own will be therapeutic. Take this opportunity to get a massage or spa treatment. A long afternoon nap can also have a healing effect. Friends may be urging you to spend beyond your means. Don't get into debt just for the sake of status symbols to impress others. The more resourceful you are, the sounder you will sleep. Don't lend money to anyone. If you get a windfall, keep it secret for the time being.
You are in a loving, sensitive and friendly mood. Putting yourself in someone else's shoes and understanding the way they are thinking comes naturally to you. Old friends and new ones find you a comfort to be with. If you sense someone is about to make a wrong decision, they will be grateful to you for pointing this out to them. Fortunately, an abundance of energy and vitality is yours to command and you seem to be aiming this in all the right directions.
November 2016 Horoscope
Your love life will be enriching at the beginning of November. This is the best time of the entire year to get engaged or married. Entering a business alliance is also looking good. Two heads are better than one at the beginning of November. The Full Moon on the 14th will prompt a loved one to give you a beautiful gift. Be sure to show your appreciation for this generous token. Work could feel oppressive during the second half of the month, due to an annoying repair project. It may be difficult to find peace and quiet. Exercise patience with a colleague who wears on your nerves. Show respect for their superior knowledge and expertise. You may need their help on the 29th, when the New Moon makes you aware of limited resources. By teaming up, you can produce impressive work on a tiny budget. Summon your creative powers as November turns to December.