November 28,2016
Your charisma levels are high. Use the power of your personality to attract exciting professional opportunities. If you've ever wanted to work in a foreign country, this is a great time to do so. Apply to companies that are headquartered overseas. Studying in a foreign country is another possibility. Your passion for a particular subject will impress an official in charge of recruiting students. Don't worry about tuition. You'll be able to get a great scholarship; it's just a matter of filling out lots of paperwork.
Weekly Horoscopes
Long haul travel may be beyond your budget at the moment. That doesn't mean you have to fall victim to a dull routine. Take a trip in your imagination. Read a book or watch a movie set in an exotic country. Science fiction, romance and fantasy stories may be preferable to dry documentaries. Give yourself permission to escape dreary drudgery. Don't try to gloss over a serious problem at work. Take responsibility for this dilemma. Discuss it openly and ask colleagues for advice.
A joint task will test your patience. Your partner feels equally as frustrated. Working alongside people without communicating can make problems twice as difficult. Your aim should be to get to know others around you better. If you all stick with it obstacles will be overcome and you'll be pleased with your overall progress. At home and in the workplace take some time to find out what other people are thinking and feeling. Some situations will require tact and sensitivity.
November 2016 Horoscope
Your love life will sizzle with excitement in the early days of November. If you don't have a partner, you could find one at a theatre, concert or gallery. There's a good chance you will fall head over heels in love with a powerful executive. Are you already in a relationship? Be receptive to your amour's overtures. The two of you will have fun reconnecting. An impressive amount of money could land in your bank account on the 14th, thanks to the Full Moon. Use some of this cash to further your career. A smart interview suit, new computer and advertising campaign are all good professional investments. Beware of making promises you can't deliver during the second half of the month. Setting up a loved one for disappointment will create tremendous resentment. The New Moon on the 29th will force you into unfamiliar territory. Ask for guidance when you're not sure what to do or how to behave.