The Lovers of Egypt society held its annual ceremony to honor contributors to development in Egypt and supporters of strong relations with the country in all fields with a host of Kuwaiti personalities honored this time around.In remarks to KUNA Wednesday night, one of those honored, Sheikha Rasha Al-Sabah, said ties between the two countries and people stem from time-honored shared values and principles. The many Kuwaiti contributions to charity work as well as projects to develop infrastructure and services in Egypt is but a reflection of this sense of brotherhood.Kuwaiti-Egyptian relations are not only strong in the field of economic interaction and investment, she pointed out. She stressed cultural and academic interaction and exchange is just as strong and just as important.Egyptians were among the first to help early development of academia in Kuwait since the independence. The country was again the most preferred destination for Kuwaiti students seeking higher education, and was the first host country of Kuwaiti female scholarship students in the 1950s, Dr Rasha pointed out.Having helped draft the country\'s first constitution with input from elite men of law,Egyptians came to the fore again in support of Kuwait upon the 1990 Iraqi aggression.All these factors, along with the fact that Egypt was the land of prophets and mentioned in our holy book five times, ensure Kuwaitis feel a strong connection and affection, she said.The Lovers of Egypt society, she added, is one Kuwaitis appreciate and value. Its role in bolstering ties among brothers in the two country could not but be esteemed.Chairman of the society board of directors Tahani Al-Burtuqali for her part told KUNA many of Kuwaiti philanthropists who contributed to projects and initiatives in Egypt had contributed to the establishment of the society itself. They co-funded construction of the headquarters in Nasr City which include a hospital, a senior citizens\' care center, a mosque, and a child day-care center.The honoring of some of these benefactors is a gesture of appreciation and recognition, she pointed out.Another Kuwaiti honored is Kuwait University professor Nouriyah Al-Roumi. She told KUNA the society is not honoring her only but honoring Kuwaiti and Arab women at the same time, appreciating their role in service of their communities and their role in upbringing of new qualified and motivated generations. It is recognition of the women\'s own achievements and qualifications, she added.Kuwaitis honored by the society include Sheikha Latifa Al-Fahad, Sheikha Fariha Al-Ahmad, Sheikha Amthal Al-Sabah, Sheikha Rasha Al-Sabah, Sheikha Suad Al-Sabah, Sheikha Maymouna Al-Athbi Al-Sabah, and Sheikha Aida Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah.Those honored also include Sheikha Amal Al-Sabah, Sheikha Besma Al-Sabah, Dr. Masouma Al-Mubarak, Dr. Fayza Al-Kharafi, Dr. Nouriya Al-Roumi, Anisa Jaafar (affectionately known as Mama Anisa), Dr. Suad Al-Rifaei, Dr. Moudhi Al-Humoud, and Fawziya Al-Kharafi.