Mega exhibition

A "mega exhibition" dedicated to the history of ancient Cirta and Numidian kingdoms will be organized in the opening event "Constantine, Capital of Arab Culture 2015," said Thursday the director of national public museum of Cirta Kelthoum Dahou-Kitouni.
This official told APS that the "renovated" Mohamed- Laïd Al Khalifa palace, will house the museum room of three months and will provide the public with archaeological samples which confirm the authenticity of many texts, historical books and studies dedicated to this bi-millennial city.
the National Museums of Constantine, Algiers, Oran, Tipasa and Ain Temouchent will participate in this unique exhibition offering visitors more than 200 rare and valuable pieces, tracing the history of the ancient Cirta and Numidian kingdoms since King Syphax and Juba 1st, said Dahou Kitouni.