Displaying works of sight-challenged

The National Council for Culture, Arts, and Letters sponsored on Wednesday an exhibition displaying the work of members of the Kuwait Society for the Blind (or sight-challenged) as part of the Council's summer festival program.
The exhibition mainly consists of publications in Braille by members of the Society for the Blind, said the Council's acting secretary general Mohammad Al-Asousi, in a press statement, underlining the Council's earnest interest in showcasing any publications by sight-challenged people and appreciating in that regard the work of the Society for the Blind to enable the public to view these publications in Braille and get a close idea as to how this language is used to the benefit of the sight-challenged.
In a similar press statement, a member of the Society for the Blind, Ghanem Ouda, noted that Kuwait has had the first Braille publishing house in the region which belongs to the Society, the latter having established an entire library of books published in Braille on religious subjects, in addition to other diversified subjects as well, namely history, poetry, and science, all of which are available for use by the sight-challenged in all parts of the Arab world.
Another member of the Society, Sahar Al-Adwani, held a reading circle at the exhibition today at which she read from a book entitled Pearl of the Gulf, one of the Society's numerous publications.
The Council and the Society for the Blind both work hand in hand to propagate the message that Kuwait lays great store by the activities of sight-challenged people who are part of the fabric of the society at large and seek to be useful members of it.