Ancient Cirta adorn

 Paintings of oil painting on silk, depicting the Ancient Cirta adorn since Sunday, the main corridor of the Ahmed Bey Palace of Constantine, a sumptuous place that adds to the magic of the exhibition.
Fruit of the fertile imagination, inspiration and sharp work of self-taught artist Nawal Barkat, this beautiful display of art works with remarkable brightness, invites visitors to a journey into the time to rediscover and reassess the charm of life in the medina of Constantine.
The aura of oriental seal is also present in these paintings where the azure blue and scarlet expressing the sensitivity of the female soul embrace dream, life and the ideal.
"The Three Friends", a painting highlighting the innocence and carelessness of three young boys wearing traditional dresses, "Kahouat El djezoua", "Women in mlaya", "the spinning wheel to Madjless eddar" (group of a typical house in the old city), "Learning embroidery," '' Andalusian musical instruments '' and the portrait of Mohamed Tahar Fergani admired by visitors.
These paintings are great assets for the artist who hopes to receive the plastic arts prize of "Golden Hand" contest organized as part of an exhibition in Constantine.