Young artist Mohammed Rashid al-Merri

Virtuous artist 12-year-old Mohammed Rashid Al-Merri on Monday opened his second personal exhibition, depicting sufferings of fellow children around the world, victims of wars and natural disasters.
The two-day exhibition held under "Tell Me Why!" displays oil paintings that constitute a cry to save victim children worldwide. In the meantime, Al-Merri's artistic works are regarded as having an optimistic view of a better future for the world children.
Talking to reporters at the opening ceremony of the exhibition, the brilliant young artist expressed appreciation to his family and teachers who helped him a lot enhance his talents.
He said that through his paintings, he tries to convey a message of support to the world's children in crisis.
Al-Merri emphasized the backing he received from the Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS).
"I accompanied them on a journey to the Sudan, where I visited several places and had first- hand experience of children's sufferings," he said.
The exhibition is held under auspices of the National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters (NCCAL) Secretary General Ali Hussein Al-Yoha, who thanked Al-Merri's family for their support to the young artist, which enabled him to reveal and boost his talents.
Al-Yoha said Al-Merri managed with his brush to express his idea elegantly, noting that the artist enjoys other talents, playing the piano and the violin.
The NCCAL will offer Al-Merri support to further enhance his talents and become a leading Arab and world artist, Al-Yoha said.