A small explosive device detonated outside a building housing Eurobank offices (EURBr.AT) in central Athens on

 A small explosive device detonated outside a building housing Eurobank offices (EURBr.AT) in central Athens on Wednesday, damaging its entrance and shattering windows, police said. 

There were no injuries, police said. 

Eurobank is Greece's third-largest lender by assets. 

Small-scale attacks on businesses, police and politicians are frequent in Greece, which has a long history of political violence and is still struggling to emerge from a crippling debt crisis. 

"The explosion damaged the entrance and smashed some windows," a police official said, adding that some nearby buildings were also slightly damaged. 

Police had cordoned off most streets in the surrounding area following a warning call to a local news website. The explosion, which occurred at 2238 local time (1938 GMT), was loud and was heard in central Athens.

Source: NNA