The Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, has maintained an important cooperation with Cuba in the

The Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, has maintained an important cooperation with Cuba in the rehabilitation of water supply networks in several provinces and the capital, according to an official from that institution attending the Cubagua-2015 forum.

In conversation with Prensa Latina, the manager of that mechanism for this region, Abdullah Kh al-Musaibeeh, stated that about four cooperation projects are being implemented in Santiago de Cuba, Holguin and Havana.

He recalled that he visited Cuba in March 2015 accompanied by the Fund’s general director, Abdulwahab Al-Bader, occasion in which some accords were signed to support with funding credits the rehabilitation of water supply networks and sewerage system in the island’s capital.

He explained that he is again here to participate in Cubagua, where his institution presents today a lecture on the role in water and sanitation financing projects, and also to examine the course of cooperation.

He reiterated the Fund’s willingness to maintain and continue collaboration it has with Cuba in all projects related to the water sector.

According to the National Institute of Hydraulic Resource (INRH), that Kuwaiti entity has so far delivered a sum of $52 million USD for the rehabilitation of water supply networks and sewerage system in benefit of the population and the capital’s institutions.

The INRH is one of the agencies most involved of international cooperation in financing development programs, through government credits and donations

Source: KUNA