The response of the People’s National Army (ANP) Special Forces to the terrorist attack against Tiguentourine gas plant is a "heroic act" and reflects Algerian senior authorities’ determination to make no concession to terrorism, Minister Delegate for Maghreb and African Affairs Abdelakder Messahel declared Thursday in Addis-Ababa. Messahel chairs the delegation to the 22nd session of the AU Executive Council, which proceedings continue behind closed doors. Messahel chairs the delegation to the 22nd session of the AU Executive Council, which proceedings continue behind closed doors. In the same regard, the reaction of the President of the AU Executive Council Nassirou Bako-Arifari, as well as those of most African foreign ministers, were similar; they were unanimous in condemning the Tiguentourine attack and congratulate the Algerian Army forces, while paying tribute to the Algerian authorities for their determination. In this sense, most countries urged for "greater coordination" between African states to fight against terrorism, expressing their desire to learn from the Algerian experience. During the ministerial debates, the participating delegations also expressed their support and solidarity with the Algerian people and governments, hailing the antiterrorist assault staged by Algeria. For his part, Malian Foreign Minister Coulibaly, particularly thanked Algeria for efforts deployed for security and stability in the region as well as the multifaceted support it gives to Malian authorities.