Egypt's foreign minister Sameh Shoukry

Egypt's Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry will receive his Sudanese counterpart Ibrahim Ghandour in Cairo on Saturday, state news agency MENA reported.   The ministers will discuss bilateral relations as well as recent regional and international developments, according to Egypt's foreign ministry spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid.   The visit comes as Sudan's cabinet approved on Tuesday a ban on imports of agricultural and animal products from Egypt.   The Sudanese cabinet also urged the country's private sector to directly import from countries of origin, bypassing neighbouring Egypt as an intermediary. Sudan banned all Egyptian agricultural goods in March.   Political tension has flared between Cairo and Khartoum recently.   Last month, Egypt's President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi said that his country "does not conspire against anyone," in response to claims by Sudan’s President Omar Al-Bashir that Cairo had supported rebel groups in Sudan fighting against government forces.

Source: Ahram online