Officials in Sudan say they expect the U.N. Human Right Council to terminate a mandate the council had placed on the country. The announcement came one day after Sudan agreed to end its candidacy for a seat on the council, the Sudan Tribune reported. Adil Awad, secretary of organizations for Sudan\'s ruling National Congress Party, said Sunday he expected the mandate to end because of what he described as the country\'s improvement in human rights. If the statement is correct, the UNHRC could act at its next meeting scheduled for Sept. 10-28, the report said. The end of the mandate will allow the withdrawal of African Union troops stationed in the country to observe any hostilities during South Sudan\'s break away from the north and the ensuring elections. The NCP\'s political sector is set to meet soon to discuss the human rights situation in Sudan. Sudan gave up Friday on its attempt to gain a seat on the UNHCR after strong protests by human rights groups. Many of the country\'s leaders are wanted by the International Criminal Court on charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.